Gas cylinders and aerosol recycling
Due to the potentially dangerous nature of the substance held inside, the disposal of gas bottles must be carried out by a qualified party. In all cases, it is vital to ensure cylinders are handled safely and responsibly. The materials used to manufacture cylinders and their valves are usually suitable for recycling. Ecl ltd can arrange disposed at our licenced waste management facility.
Gas Cylinder recycling
The majority of gas cylinders in circulation in the UK are re-usable and remain the property of a gas supplier. To return these cylinders, simply identify the owner and request that it is collected. The name of the owner is usually permanently marked on the shoulder of the cylinder.
Some cylinders are sold as non-refillable, e.g. calibration cylinders. In this case, the new owner is responsible for its safe disposal.
At ECL ltd we have the technology and expertise to process your gas cylinders and safely remove and treat the contents to ensure full compliance with all statutory and environmental requirements.

Aerosol cans
Balloon gas bottles
Beer kegs
Fire extinguishers
Hazardous gas cylinders
High-pressure bottles
Industrial gas bottles
Laboratory gases
Toxic gases
Lecture bottles
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) bottles
Medical gas bottles
Non-hazardous gas cylinders
No-return gas cylinders
Pub gas bottles
Refrigerant cylinders

aerosol recycling
We use around 600 million aerosol cans each year in the UK, which roughly works out at approximately ten aerosols per person. Thankfully, the number of aerosols sent to landfills within the UK each year is gradually reducing. A recent survey found that 70% of consumers ensure their aerosol products are sent to recycling facilities.
Aerosol recycling is a process which takes aerosols and allows recovery of the various components present in an aerosol, including:
Gas propellant
Liquid solvent
Metal container (aluminium or steel bodies)
Plastic components